
這精華液聽起來很神奇  居然賣到缺貨
不過我是有使用它家的 Heavenly Hydration Moisture Mask
雖然台灣的網站給的評價不高 但是我個人是非常喜歡
每次皮膚太乾缺水時 就睡前當乳霜使用
尤其是皮膚被風吹到痛後使用 效果很明顯
只是比較起其他開架商品 價位高了點 要等特價再說囉


Early rush for anti-ageing cream
Shoppers at Boots
People have been queuing up to buy the anti-wrinkle cream
Crowds of people seeking a miracle cure for wrinkles have been queuing up to get their hands on new stocks of a hugely popular anti-ageing cream.

Several of Boots' flagship stores opened at 7am to cope with the massive demand for its No. 7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum.

The cream sold out after it was featured on a BBC2 Horizon programme.

Richard Baker, chief executive of Alliance Boots, it had taken three weeks to get the product back on sale.

Stocks sold out following the television broadcast in March, and 50,000 British women have since signed up to waiting lists for the cream.

The cream is Boots' fastest selling product ever and its production facilities have been working around the clock to reach targets of 24,000 bottles per day.

Some 200,000 extra bottles of the lotion have been sent to stores across the UK.


Eager shoppers were found queuing up at the Boots shops in Oxford Street, London, Market Street in Manchester, Lower Parliament Street in Nottingham and Princes Street in Edinburgh which all opened early.

A one-per-customer policy is in force but dozens of bottles have still been advertised on auction website eBay, with prices as high as £75 pounds for the 30 ml container, compared with the price of £17.25 in London and £16.75 outside London.

Mr Baker, chief executive of Alliance Boots, said: "We're absolutely delighted. It's taken us about three weeks to get the product back into supply.

"I think we will probably sell what we've made over the last three weeks this weekend.

"We will continue manufacturing it as rapidly as we can and as soon as we've got some more product we will get it into our stores."


Boots抗皺精華液英國掀搶購潮 (星島) 05月 05日 星期六 02:38PM

英國    著名護膚品製造商Boots推出的一種抗皺精華液,經由英國廣播公司(BBC)一個節目指它確實具有抗皺功效後,成為當地女士們的搶購目標。貨品經過數度賣斷市後,日前再加推20萬瓶應市,但火速

售罄。有人覷準商機,把這種搶手乳液放上eBay網站拍賣,叫價急增逾四倍。 Boots的No.7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum抗皺精華液,據悉含有桑椹、維他命C、人參及白色羽扇豆成份,自前年初推出後,每月平均銷量為1萬瓶。該種精華液宣稱可以減淡幼紋及修補因陽光接觸而老化的肌膚,可以在四星期內令肌膚回復青春,令毛孔收縮,撫平皺紋。 BBC電視台一個名為「Horizon」的節目今年3月指出,該種抗皺精華液的確具有改善皺紋之效。節目播出後僅3天,Boots這種精華液的21個星期存貨便被搶購一空。生產商日前再加推20萬瓶應市,Boots多間店鋪在周五早上掀起一輪搶購潮,貨架上的產品在短短數分鐘內賣光。


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